This article created to describe how to automatically launch Polywall Visualizer during login as user without local admin rights.
!!!Actually we do not recomend to do something like this, because we cannot give any guarantee that it will work properly, however as a solution you can follow this steps:
1. Create *.bat file which start applcation with setted work folder:
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Polywall\Polywall Visualizer 3.\openroc"
start openroc.exe
start openroc.exe
2. Create another one which starts the first one with administrator rights:
runas /user:administrator /savecred "%~dp0\test.bat"
Where "Administrator" is a local administrator account and "test.bat" is a name of the file which we created in step 1.
3. Run bat file which was created in the second step and enter administrator password (it will be necessary to enter them only one time).
4. Create task inside Task Scheduler which will start second *.bat file during login of the necessary user
P.S. In the attachment both .bat files for Polywall 3.3 version, you can unzip the archive in any folder on the controller to check how it should look like and change the user and version you need.